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Google Ads Reps Calling You?
Don’t Let Them Scare You into Spending More
We’ve been hearing from more and more dentists that they’ve been contacted by Google Ads reps about their ad campaigns. And not just “contacted,” but called repeatedly and scared into believing there was something terribly wrong with their ads.
Unfortunately, the Google Ads department has been outsourcing teams of people (these so-called “reps” or “strategists”) to plant a seed of doubt: that the person or company managing their ad campaigns has set them up incorrectly. It is safe to assume that Google’s goal is to get business owners to use their automated ads recommendations (called “Smart Campaigns”) rather than have an experienced, Google Ads certified, third-party marketer managing their account.
With an experienced, Google Ads certified, third-party marketer (like the PPC team here at Smile Marketing), you get a real person planning, creating, and constantly monitoring and improving your campaigns to get you the best results for the lowest cost. With Google’s automated recommendations, there is no one who knows your business and your goals monitoring the account, simply Google making recommendations that will ultimately result in you spending more money with them. Because we all know their primary goal is to get you to spend more.

Improvements to Analytics Reporting
In addition to having access to more reporting data, you will now easily be able to monitor your website performance from the dashboard.
To access your analytics, simply log into your dashboard and click on the new tab on the side menu bar called “SEO Report“.
Unlike previous reporting, your analytics will be available to view on a daily basis. You will also be able to filter dates to review the analytics for specific time periods.
With this update you will get a more comprehensive picture of how your online performance is performing. In other words, you will have the same information as before, but more.
Among the analytics you’ll have access to are:
- Reviews & ratings
- Google My Business statistics
- Social media statistics (If applicable)
- Website analytics: Visitor traffic, user behaviours, traffic sources, searches, referrals, and goal conversions.
You will receive an email each month reminding you to log into your dashboard to review your website’s performance.
If you have any questions about these changes, please contact support or your Digital Marketing Specialist.