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How to Add, Edit or Delete Your Subscribers

How Do I Add a New Patient as a Subscriber?

  • Log into your Dashboard at
  • Click on the Subscribers tab in the left menu, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  • Select Patient Type: New Patient (last 30 days)
  • Select your welcome email preference (Note: Click on “See example” to preview the email that will be sent to your patient.)
  • Click Next
  • Enter the patient’s data in the supplied fields and add any desired tags.
  • Date of First Visit Field: To track new patient performance, it’s important that the “Date of First Visit” field is correct. We realize you aren’t always able to add a new patient the same day, so you now can select the correct first visit date when adding them.
  • Check the box certifying that you are authorized to send emails to this new subscriber.
  • Press Save or Save and New if you have additional subscribers to add.

How Do I Add Subscribers in Bulk?

NOTE: If you wish to send the New Patient Survey to any of these subscribers, you’ll need to input them manually rather than in the bulk upload. The bulk upload feature doesn’t provide the New Patient Survey option.

From your dashboard:
» Click on the ‘Subscribers’ tab
» Click on ‘Import Subscribers’

Download & Prepare your File:
There is an excel file you can click to download (screenshot).

Please follow the proper format shown in the file in order for your upload to work correctly. Save the file as and Excel or CSV file when you’re finished.

NOTE: Your form must include at least 25 subscribers to be uploaded in bulk.

Upload File:
Click ‘Choose File’ to locate the file on your computer.

NOTE: A welcome email will not be sent to any of these subscribers.

Check the box confirming that these people gave you permission to email them.

Click Submit:
In 24- 48 hours you’ll receive a confirmation email notifying you that your subscribers have been uploaded to your dashboard.

How Do I Add an Existing or Returning Patient as a Subscriber?

Current or returning patients can now be added to your subscriber list individually.

  • Log into your Dashboard at
  • Click on the Subscribers tab in the left menu, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  • Select Patient Type: Existing or Returning Patient
  • Select your welcome email preference (Note: Click on “See example” to preview the email that will be sent to your patient.)
  • Click Next
  • Enter the patient’s data in the supplied fields and add any desired tags.
  • Date of First Visit Field: To track new patient performance, it’s important that the “Date of First Visit” field is correct. We realize you aren’t always able to add a new patient the same day. So you now can select the correct first visit date when adding them.
  • Check the box certifying that you are authorized to send emails to this new subscriber.
  • Press Save or Save and New if you have additional subscribers to add.

How Do I Add Non-Patients as Subscribers?

You can add non-patients and even prospective patients as subscribers if they have given you permission to contact them.

  • Log into your Dashboard at
  • Click on the Subscribers tab in the left menu, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
  • Select Patient Type: Potential Patient
  • Select your welcome email preference (Note: Click on “See example” to preview the email that will be sent to your patient.)
  • Click Next
  • Enter the patient’s data in the supplied fields and add any desired tags.
  • These subscribers will automatically be given the tag “Potential”. If this tag doesn’t fit your purposes, simply hover over the tag and click the “X” to remove it.
  • Check the box certifying that you are authorized to send emails to this new subscriber.
  • Press Save or Save and New if you have additional subscribers to add.

How Do I Edit or Delete a Subscriber?

How Do I Edit a Subscriber?

  • Log into your Dashboard at
  • Click on the Subscribers tab in the left menu.
  • Locate the subscriber you wish to edit. To easily find a subscriber, click the magnifying glass at the top of the page and then search by First Name, Last Name, or Email Address.
  • Once located click the pencil icon (on the right side of each listing).
  • Make the necessary changes and then press the Save button.

How Do I Delete a Subscriber?

  • Log into your Dashboard at
  • Click on the Subscribers tab in the left menu.
  • Locate the subscriber you wish to edit. To easily find a subscriber, click the magnifying glass at the top of the page and then search by First Name, Last Name, or Email Address.
  • Once located click the trashcan icon (on the right side of each listing).
  • A pop up box will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the subscriber. Click “OK”.

What Are Subscriber Tags?

Subscriber tags allow you to easily group your subscribers so you can send targeted emails – a great internal marketing strategy that improves patient retention and encourages referrals!

You can send emails targeted to women with children. Or seniors. Or orthodontic and cosmetic patients. The possibilities are endless!

Review our Tagging Support Pages for more information.

What Does “Bounced” Mean?

A ‘Bounced’ status means an e-mail message is undelivered and has been returned to Smile Marketing. This can happen for many reasons. Check for incorrectly formatted addresses and typos. If you don’t find any mistakes, try obtaining a current email address from the patient.

To find your bounce list click on the Subscribers tab, then change the dropdown menu found above your subscriber list from “Active Subscribers” to Bounced.

How Do I Email My Subscribers?

For tons of helpful information on how to send email your subscribers through your dashboard visit our email help page.

Can I Export My Subscriber List From the Dashboard?

Yes, at anytime you can log into your dashboard and export your subscriber list!

  • Log into your Dashboard
  • Go to the ‘Subscribers’ tab
  • Click on ‘View All’
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • On the bottom left you will see the ‘Export’ button
  • Click the ‘Export’ button and your list will be downloaded to your computer in an excel file.

Can We Update Our Patient's Email Preferences?

We’re happy to announce we’ve revamped the ‘unsubscribe’ options for your subscribers and updated the dashboard so you can also manage your patients’ email options!

From Your Dashboard:
  • Click on ‘Subscribers’.
  • Find the subscriber you want to update and click on the pencil icon to edit.
  • From here you can view and edit individual subscriber’s subscriptions.

For Your Patients:
  • When a subscriber click ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of any email, they’ll be sent to the Email Preferences page to manage their email subscriptions from your practice.
  • Subscribers can also update their name and email address here.

Learn More About Tagging »

Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to call or contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you!
