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Getting Started with Tags


What tags should you be using?

It’s all about finding a system that works for you. But we’ve come up with ideas to help get you started.

Just remember – the great thing about tags is you can personalize them however you like to suit the needs of your practice!

Here are some ideas…

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  • Sleep Apnea
  • TMJ Disorder
  • Gum Disease

  • Tooth Decay
  • Dry Mouth
  • Sensitivity

Services or Products

  • Whitening
  • Veneers
  • Invisalign
  • Dentures

  • Bridges
  • Braces
  • Cleaning
  • Sedation

Types of Patients

  • Parent
  • Senior
  • Mother

  • Pregnancy
  • Father
  • Smoker

Referral Types

  • Insurance Referral
  • Patient Referral
  • Doctor Referral
  • Walk-in

  • Health Fair
  • Marketing Event
  • Facebook Promotion
  • Groupon

Payment Terms

  • Cash
  • Insurance
  • Insurance Name

  • Discount
  • Special Pay

Practice Locations

  • Denver Location
  • Boulder Location
  • Palmer Lake Location

  • Main St
  • Park Blvd
  • Union Dr

Special Events

  • Wellness Workshop
  • Lunch Learning
  • Dinner with the Doc



Services – You’re running a special on veneers. Email your “cosmetic” group – those most likely to take advantage of a special offer on a cosmetic service – letting them know about it.

Conditions – If you treat patients with TMJ disorders, create a “tmj” tag. When you host a seminar on treating TMJ, you can email that group to let them know. That way you’re just inviting those who you know would benefit the most.

Payment Type – Another idea is to tag by payment method. For instance, you could have an “insurance” tag, a “cash” tag, and a “financing” tag. Then, email your “financing” patients with a targeted email promoting your new financing option for braces.

Practice Locations – Have multiple locations, but share one website? Add “location” tags to each new subscriber. Then when your Denver location is hosting a special event or promotion, you can send an email targeted only to your patients tagged with the “denver location” tag.


Special Characters and Tags: The characters allowed on tags include: the letters a-z, the numbers 0-9, the dash ( – ), and the underscore ( _ ). However, the underscore will convert to a “space” when used. All other characters will be discarded when used in your tag.

Please note: Tags ignore capital letters. All tags will be added as lowercase regardless of how they were entered. Keeps things tidy and consistent.

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We’d love to hear some of your great tag ideas, and how you are using them. Have a suggestion? Found a bug? Share your feedback.

Next: Tagging Best Practices