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Tags: A powerful new way to organise your subscribers

In order to use this exciting tagging feature that allows you to send targeted emails to your existing patients, you need to add all new patients as website subscribers.

Why are tags so useful?

Tags allow you to easily group your subscribers so you can send targeted emails – a great internal marketing strategy that improves patient retention and encourages referrals!

Tagged Subscribers

You can send emails targeted to seniors. Or patients with children. Or those interested in teeth whitening. The possibilities are endless!

Tags are like “lists”

Unfamiliar with tags? Just think of tags as “lists” or “labels.” By creating and adding a particular tag to more than one subscriber, you are organizing them into a group; a list of people that have something in common.

Maybe you have patients who suffer from TMJ. You can tag those subscribers with a “tmj” tag, then send a specific email only to this group announcing an event, new service, or helpful information related to their condition. Tagging, along with the ability to build a custom email list, allows you to target only the patients you know are interested in a particular topic. Pretty cool, right?

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Sounds great, how do I get started?

To learn more, click “Start Here” below and we’ll walk you through how to add/edit/delete and manage your tags, plus give you some tag ideas to help get you started.

Happy Tagging!

Start Here: Tag Ideas